Not For The Squeamish...

Friday, August 24, 2007

A plate of chopped up pei dan (i.e. century eggs), ready for a big vat of jook (rice porridge).

Chicken & Noodles...

Yep. It's creamy chicken marsala with mushrooms and capers. Oh, and spinach fettucine noodles!

Where's My Red Meat?

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I have a natural preference for chicken or fish, but sometimes, a girl craves steak :) For last night's dinner, we had a quick meal of pan-seared beef tenderloin topped with peppery mushrooms, mashed potatoes and broccoli florets. Oh...and a nice bottle of shiraz.

Hot Pot

Monday, August 20, 2007

I've been on a cooking hiatus. During the summer months (what with work and the warm weather) it's often easier to dine out or dine on foods that require minimal preparation. It was a rainy 65°F Sunday evening...and well, we decided on hot pot for dinner. Along with two types of broth (chicken and tom yum), we had veggies, enoki mushrooms, shrimp, rice sticks, shaved rib-eye steaks, fish cakes, shrimp balls, and beef tendon balls. Quite a feast for two people, but we had a good time cooking and enjoying the homestyle food.