Chocolate Rum Hedgehogs

Thursday, December 21, 2006

The nondescript lump of cookie dough I previously blogged about has blossomed! After allowing it to mature in the fridge for three days, I worked on it this evening. Voila! Chocolate rum hedgehogs - the perfect touch of whimsy and indulgence for the adults who remain kids at heart.

While the hedgehogs were chilling in the fridge, I assembled a bunch of supplies to package them. I thought about poking holes in the plastic baggies to let the hedgehogs breathe, but decided it might not be a good idea to let the rum vapours escape! All done and ready to be handed out tomorrow!

A forlorn hedgehog, waiting to meet its new owner...


Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

OMG!!!!! I so wish you were handing one out to me today! Those are so adorable!!

Home ec new Haven said...

YUM! I love a good rum cookie. You'll have to tell me how you did the spikes.

loves2experiment said...

The spikes were achieved with almond slivers :)