Thursday's Breakfast...

Thursday, March 29, 2007

I'm not the sort to have breakfast in the morning, but I couldn't resist the little mochi that my sis sent over in one of the care packages!!! The white one has a mung bean filling, the tan one has a peanut filling, and there's a black sesame paste in the the last one. Delish!!!


Sunday, March 25, 2007

For lunch, I had some sliced hamachi. It was sooooo good!!! Note that the package says "For Institutional Use Only". That was $20 well spent!

Carrot Cake Cheesecake

Monday, March 19, 2007

What sort of dessert does one bring for an office potluck? Who knows. For some reason or other, I decided to bake a carrot cake cheesecake. Not that I've ever made one in my lifetime. Actually, it wasn't as difficult as I thought it might be. Both of the cake batters were a breeze to assemble, but the frosting recipe didn't look quite right to me. Uh-huh. If anything, I'm a frosting sorta girl. Hence, I was forced to come up with an alternate concoction! Picture time!!! Here's a shot of the cake, sans frosting.

And here's a shot of the frosted cake...after I've done my bit of decorating!

Sherried Glazed Walnuts

What do you do with a pound of walnuts? Why, one should definitely glaze them with a dry sherry mixture!

Broccoli and Beef...

Or is it Beef and Broccoli. Meh. I forget. Not that it matters. I've never quite mastered the art of stir-frying. After a quick search through my vast collection of cookbooks, I found a recipe I wanted to try. The veggies were steamed (piece of cake there!) and the beef was marinated (in a concoction of soy sauce, sesame oil, dry sherry, pepper and sugar) before a quick fry in the wok. It turned out quite tasty!

Mama's Grilled Pork Chops

A pinch of this, and a pinch of that. That's the way my mum makes her pork chops. Unfortunately, that never quite works out for me. My 'pinches' always seem to turn out differently and I'm never able to duplicate what mama makes *sigh* Still edible though.

Satay Chicken

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Instead of threading chunks of marinated chicken pieces on skewers, I decided to simplify things by marinating the chicken for three days and grilling them on Ethan (George met with an untimely death, and Ethan's his replacement).